Your Muse: Can't even decide....maybe Riley Poole from National Treasure or Sam (i.e. Simba from the Lion King) or...I could go on and on...
Muse wanted: Okay, so I have this idea for a's based around Disney characters but with a kind of a modern twist and a real life aspect. You can play ANY character from ANY movie but they are HUMAN versions. e.g you could use Alex Pettyfer as a PB for Simba from the Lion King. Names of characters can be changed slightly as long as it's pretty easy to distinguish what character it is. (Sherlock Holmes is tagged bc Basil the Great Mouse Detective was a play off it so modern Shelock muses are welcome!) OC'S ARE WELCOME AND A LIST OF MOVIES ARE
Community: One will be made if there's enough interest
Fandom: Disney
Canon: --
Book, Movie, Game, Other: Movies
PB: You chose! If you need help though just ask me!
Contact via: Here or PM!
****** I would REALLY love to do this but only if there's enough interest! ******