(no subject)

Dec 12, 2011 16:40

Your Muse: Hank Pym / Ant-Man from The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes!
Muse wanted: Characters from the show, specifcially the Avengers - Janet van Dyne/Wasp, Iron Man, etc, would be amazing! But I'd also love to tag around with other Marvel muses, if there is any interest. :3
Community: Museboxes, (I think I have one lying around here somewhere? XD), sixwordstories.
Fandom: The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes / Marvel Comics 'verse
Canon: I'm playing Hank from the end of season 1, but I'm flexible tbh.
Book, Movie, Game, Other: Television show, open to all
PB: Any
Contact via: A comment here would be best, or via the HMD in the character journal.


[tv show]: the avengers: earth's..., [comics]: marvel (misc. titles)

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