(no subject)

Nov 20, 2011 14:35

Your Muse: Batgirl (Barbara Gordon)
Muse wanted: Nightwing, Black Canary, Huntress, Batman, Robin, etc...
Community: sixwordstories, smuttysws, private journals
Fandom: DCnU
Canon: canon-ish
Book, Movie, Game, Other: Comic
PB: Whoever you want
Contact via: Here or PM

I play Barbara as a mix of DCU!Babs and DCnU!Babs so she's not going to be exactly as her Batgirl book.

I'm looking for both a Nightwing and a Dinah since my Babs is bisexual, but I'm open to almost everything.

[comics]: dc (misc. titles), [comics]: birds of prey, [comics]: batman

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