(no subject)

Oct 11, 2011 22:50

Your Muse: Erik Lehnsherr → AU
Muse wanted: Ruth Lehnsherr
Community: sixwordstories mostly & smuttysws (not for smut reasons)
Fandom: X-Men
Canon: AU → AU!Erik canon is here
Book, Movie, Game, Other: Other
PB: I'm pretty open. Was thinking about maybe Mia Wasikowska, but it's open.
Contact via: Here or via PM

In Erik's history it says "The soldiers who found them beat Erik nearly to death and then made him watch as they killed his sister." It's harsh, I know, but it's how it worked when the Nazi's got power. I want to AU that bit of Erik's history and say that he occupied the soldiers while his sister ran away. After that he wasn't sure if she lived, died, or went to a camp, but he wanted to believe she got free but his mind always told him 'no, she died.'

All these years later when Erik is in the hospital, his case was talked about widely. Jew killing Nazi's. It turns heads in the newspapers. So Ruth sees this in a paper in like France, Holland, or even England, (America?) where ever. She sees a picture of Erik and realizes it's her brother. She goes to the hospital to see him, wondering if it's really her brother or just her wanting it to be her brother and all that jazz.

I think that if Ruth were alive Erik would try to get better so that he could help her and take care of her like a big brother should. She'd be his reason to keep going, not chase down Shaw because she's there and that's what matters. I'd love to see that side of everything.

Ruth is a real character in X-Men: Magneto Testament. She does die and all as well. I'm not all that strict on her canon since she doesn't have all that much...she has like a few pages in like one origins story. If you'd like to re-name her or anything like that, feel free.

[comics]: x-men, [original character]: specific name, [original character]: no name

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