Your Muse: Professor Timothy "Tim" Baxton
Muse wanted: His ex-wife, Anna (name flexible), former co-workers, future friends.
Community: Mainly sws or ssws, but if the chemistry is right, some longer threads on personal journals
Fandom: OC
Canon: n/a
Book, Movie, Game, Other: Shamelessly from my mind. I have no excuses for this tomfoolery.
PB: Whomever you like. I prefer lesser known women (there is only so much Kristen Stewart one can see), but whatever floats your boat.
Contact via: Here is fine. :)
Basically, Tim was the youngest professor on staff at a state university teaching political science. He has his PhD, but not a ton of life experience outside of volunteering on the odd campaign and a lot of misguided fundraising efforts. He was married to his highschool sweetheart, Anna, and they had a two year old son, Christian.
While he was teaching he took up some one-on-one tutoring sessions with one of his students who spread the rumor that he was sleeping with her after hours. Of course, with no one to verify either way, it was her word against his and there were already a few people who didn't like his sass on the faculty. So, Tim lost his job, and then his wife (who believed he was cheating on her) and now sees his son on Wednesdays and every other weekend. He works at a local bookshop and subs at the highschool in town.
Where do you come in? Well--it's hard to have an interesting background and backstory all by your lonesome. I'd love to have someone playing Anna that I could work against--maybe discuss why things went so poorly, maybe argue his innocence, maybe have some wine and make some bad choices together. I'm very much a fan of taking the bare bones of something and just seeing where it goes.
I'd also love to have some former co-workers--other professors, etc. And just some more interaction for that delightful face of his. How can you resist?!
Again, all the names and faces are flexible, so drop me a line and we can get to chatting!