Your Muse: Annelise Fletcher (The Little Mermaid)
Muse wanted: Her "prince," the only son of a wealthy business executive, the Sea Witch, any friends she may have made at her school (which remains unnamed), and anyone who would like to interact with her. Oh! And someone (just one person) who knows her real identity. Someone had to have helped her out with getting her into school and her wheelchair and all the shenanigans that had to have happened before that.
sixwordstories, personal journals, etc. etc.
Fandom: Fairy Tales
Canon: After she drank the Sea Witch's potion and after she started at the same school as her "prince."
Book, Movie, Game, Other: Other!
PB: Whoever you'd like. I'm using Molly Quinn for Annie. :)
Contact via:
(PM, comment, ect) A comment here or a PM would be just fine!
Any information you might need on her brief history and the basis of the legend can be found
here. ♥