(no subject)

Sep 19, 2011 02:06

Your Muse: Beth Taylor. An OC inspired by rereading the Vampire Chronicles and my perchance for crack.
Muse wanted: Any of the vampires or Mayfair witches from Anne Rice's world, be it movie or book. A Lestat would be humorous - since this is all it is, really.
Community: SWS or personal journals?
Fandom: The Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice.
Canon: AU. In Tale of the Body Thief Lestat's essence in another body, while someone else has his own, is human and has unprotected sex with a female. The result is Beth Taylor. The woman gave the girl up for adoption and a Lesbian couple has been raising her ever since. She's human. She's also a Cheerleader. It's up to you, the players, if they are aware of her existence or not.
Book, Movie, Game, Other: The books or movies is fine with me?
PB: Any. I'm not picky at all.
Contact via:
(PM, comment, ect) PM me or leave a comment here ;)

[book]: the vampire chronicles, [movie]: interview…the vampire/queen...

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