(no subject)

Sep 10, 2011 11:14

Your Muse: Maria Gambry (an OC)
Muse wanted: Other OCs~ Details below!
Community: sixwordstories
Fandom: Original
Canon: Original
Book, Movie, Game, Other: N/A
PB: Maria's PB is Anna Karina. Feel free to choose whoever you'd like for your OCs!
Contact via: Just comment here~

Okay, here's some background information:

Sprinkled throughout the world, there are kids who aren't exactly normal, kids with powers. Ostracized by society, these kids are usually stuck in seedy foster homes or adoption centers. But there's still hope for them.

Hidden in the middle of Wyoming, there's a home for kids with powers. It's run by a mild-mannered Mrs. McGrath - who turns into an unidentified werecreature during the full moon.

And Maria is one of the inhabitants - a bright, perpetually happy French girl who can also conjure fireballs and is impervious to heat. Oh, and she loves purple.

Here are some specific OCs I'd like:

1. A Mrs. McGrath, obviously. You can decide on her personality, PB, everything. I imagine her as blond, but you don't have to take that into account if you don't want to.

2. A best friend/love interest for Maria. He's telekinetic and very intelligent, with brown or black hair. Besides that, again, you're free to choose whatever else you'd like about him.

3. Maria's older brother. His name is Aidan, his power is the same as Maria's except with electricity, not fire, and I'd love if he had a purple theme going on. Like brother, like sister? I was thinking they'd be pretty close, but again, if inspiration strikes you, you don't have to take it into account.

Besides that, let your imagination run wild! There are only two specifications; that these kids must have powers and must be orphans.

I hope someone's interested!

[original character]: specific name, [original character]: no name

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