Your Muse: Nathan Young
Muse Wanted: Any and all Misfits muses! Would especially love a Kelly or Simon. Or Nathan's mom if anyone ever actual plays her. xD Non-Misfits muses welcome as well.
Fandom: Misfits
Canon: MUN currently only up to season 2, ep 2, so try not to spoil anything past that for me! Slowly getting caught up. But I'm open to AUs or anything really.
Book, Movie, Game, Other: TV show
PB: Original pbs please.
Contact via: Here or PM! If for some reason I don't get back to you, PM
ffourscore , one of my other muses. I'm logged on there more so than here. Especially since LJ is still being lame and won't let me upload any pictures yet.
Nathan's a very new character to me, so for now I'll probably be sticking to SWS and SSWS and mostly just voice-testing and messing around for a while. But if you've got any plot ideas or want to do something else, I'm open to it.