(no subject)

Jul 29, 2011 14:55

Your Muse: Wanda Maximoff
Muse wanted: Any Avenger (past, present, future), any mutant. - However I'd really love to see some of the female Avengers. Janet, Jessica (both of them), Bobbi, or Natasha.
Community: MARVEL PREP
Fandom: Marvel Comics
Canon: It's an AU. All the heroes/villains are teens going to high school! However it is set in modern times!
Book, Movie, Game, Other: Comics
PB: Any!
Contact via: [e-mail] Bunnywan803@gmail.com | [AIM] BunnyWan | [PM] ng83_writings

[comics]: iron man, [comics]: fantastic four, [comics]: x-men, [comics]: thor, [comics]: marvel (misc. titles), [comics]: spiderman

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