Your Muse: Tony Stark
Muse wanted: Any Marvel/DC heroes (or antiheroes, or villains) that would be willing to join/fight the Avengers. Currently, we have Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Tess Mercer, Clark Kent, Martha Kent, Shadowcat, Major Zod, Morgan le Fay, and a part-time Wolverine. We would love to have a Reed Richards!
Community: Facebook, Personal LJs, and
sixwordstories. We chat OOCly over AIM.
Fandom: Marvel & DC.
Canon: Thus far: Iron Man Movieverse, Captain America: Man Out of Time, Marvel Earth 616, and Smallville. It's really a grab bag of different things, so please don't feel that you have to play any of these particular canons to participate. Any and all Marvel and DC characters are welcome.
Book, Movie, Game, Other: Movies, Comics, Games, TV, etc.
PB: If you are playing a character from a certain show or movie, we ask that you use the actor or actress who portrayed him/her.
Contact via: PM or shoot me a message on AIM @ astarklandscape
Additional: We're a relatively new group and while we do post to LJ, the majority of our gameplay is done on Facebook. If you want to get an idea of how we do things, please feel free to scope out Tony's
Facebook (if you have an account, everything is public) and/or