(no subject)

Jul 05, 2011 09:53

Your Muse: James "Jamie" Saint
Muse wanted: Taskforce: VALKYRIE members, other hunters, supernatural beings, your call.
Community: sws, smuttysws, vigilindarkness
Fandom: New World of Darkness, more specifically Hunter: the Vigil.
Canon: There really isn't much of a canon to go by.
Book, Movie, Game, Other: RPG
PB: Any you wish, see my previous MWM post for taken PBs if you're doing a VALKYIRE member, though.
Contact via: Here or PM

Vampires. Witches. Aliens. Monsters. Demons. Werewolves. There are so many threats in this world that it's hard to imagine that the darker side of life doesn't take over this world and suck it dry. Humans, so frail in form, are the perfect prey for the paranormal. However, the prey sleeps safely at night because the predators are fought by those who would protect them at all costs. They are Hunters, and their Vigil against the Damned has become their main focus in life.

Sergeant First Class Saint is a member of a secret government organization known only as Task Force: VALKYRIE. Their classification is above Top Secret, and not even the President of the United States officially knows of their existence. Members of VALKYRIE are equipped with an armory of high tech weapons, armor, and equipment that can only be used by members of VALKYRIE, via a chip implanted into each agent upon successful completion of Basic Combat Training. This equipment allows them to locate, track, injure, and kill the supernatural, as well as aid in erasing any trace of their existence in an area.

Members of VALKYRIE are usually recruited after being exposed to the supernatural in a scenario that most people would be killed in. Indeed, VALKYRIE operatives are often sole survivors of their first contact with the paranormal, yet through skill, strength, or just the plain will to live, they survived when many others haven't.

I'm currently looking, in the range of people in Saint's squad, the last two members not taken by anyone Found here. After that, anyone willing to make a squad in ADAMSKI, FORT, or TWILIGHT is more than welcome to.

Project TWILIGHT is the answer to Extra Normal Entities that can pass and socialize in a manner similar to humans, or even are human. Despite this, they specialize in surveillance, often infiltrating underground groups to destroy them from within.

Project FORT has it's interests in not only aliens, but demons, fairies, and other Fortean creatures. Though relying more on legend than hard science, the agents of FORT are often unruly.

Operation ADAMSKI works with information. Specifically, disinformation. By spreading around obviously bogus photos and stories through the many madmen on the internet and in the world, ADAMSKI disorients the obvious truth seekers trying to break through the deception.

[game]: world of darkness, [game]: hunter: the vigil, [original character]: specific name, [original character]: no name

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