(no subject)

May 04, 2011 12:30

Your Muse: Marie-Antoinette
Muse wanted: Anyone and everyone from the movie. Seriously, I'll take ANYONE
Community: Six Word Stories
Fandom: Coppola's Marie-Antoinette
Canon: The movie itself, but with some history smushed in.
Book, Movie, Game, Other: Movieish
PB: The ones in the movie pretty please
Contact via: (PM, comment, ect) Right here is fabulous

I will never, ever give up on trying to find more castmates for this fabulous movie. My Antoinette muse has been rather lonely lately, and she'd love some more canon mates/friends to play with.

We've got some of the cast wandering about already including Louis-Auguste kingofawkward , That Dick Provence norprincely  norprincely, and his wife Marie Josephine 4timesnotenough.  I also have a tiny/young version of Antoinette who hangs around sometimes too archduchesstoni.

I would love love love anyone and everyone from the movie. There's so many characters to take and play around with, like King Louis XV, Polignac, Fersen, Lamballe, Joseph II, anyone and everyone would be greatly loved and appreciated. I'd be very willing to help you find icons/screencaps for icons if needs be.

Also thanks to Marie-Therese fille_de_france , we also have an AU verse of sorts where everyone keeps their heads and they remain King and Queen living at Versailles, if you were interested in that as well.

[historical/real person fiction], [movie]: marie antoinette

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