Your Muse: Hannah Morris (Gretel)
Muse wanted: Other victims of the Gingerbread House Project, scientists who ran the GHP, military/government types to help revive the GHP’s original purpose
Community: SWS, personal journals, a comm if there’s enough interest
Fandom: Fairy tales
Canon: Decidedly not.
Book, Movie, Game, Other: Fairy tales
PB: Any
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SO SORRY, for not getting the journal up. I'm away on hols at the mo and things have been a bit hectic with my family.
But I've got a whole day to lounge around and so should be getting something journal shaped up, soon as! Although I've seen a lot of things about human verification not popping up, which sucks. Idk if it's working for me, but hopefully it is so I can get things sorted.
I see the verse has grown a lot! Which is ~epic. And somebody mentioned a comm. Just out of curiosity, is there one already or one going to be set up? /is a comm nerd
Anywhoooos, no comm yet, but last I heard Crane/Prince-mun was aiming on setting it up as soon as they had power, so hopefully soon! *fingers crossed*
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