(no subject)

Apr 14, 2011 00:51

Your Muse: Madeline
Muse wanted: Pepito, and also Aggie! She had a Vicki once (who I would love to play with again.)
Community: sixwordstories,sixwordendings and andtheylived
Fandom: Madeline
Canon: AUish canon, kind of?
Book, Movie, Game, Other: Book/Movie
PB: Whoever you think fits.
Contact via: Here.

We used to have a Pepito who went on hiatus before I brought Madeline in. Since they haven't replied to anything we had to add them to the dropped character list. I'm sad because Madeline would really love her best friend. That said, I would love for someone to pick him up.

She lived in an old house in Paris covered in vines with eleven other girls and Miss Clavel and their dog Genevieve. Madeline as a child was very adventurous. Growing up, her life was never boring. She had her appendix removed and a few months later fell off a bridge into a river. That's when she found Genevieve as it was her who rescued her. She and the other girls tried to hide Genevieve in the house to keep Miss Clavel from making her leave but in the end she let the dog stay. Not long after the Spanish Ambassador and his family moved in next door, bringing with them their son Pepito. Madeline didn't like him at first. He was a spoiled nasty little Bad Hat. Throughout different things including being kidnapped, Madeline and Pepito ended up becoming best friends. Madeline stayed at the house with Miss Clavel and the other girls until she turned eighteen. She then moved to New York to attend NYU. Her two closest friends to this day are still Pepito and Aggie.

I'm up for plotting anything. I think I at one point said something about Pepito having a crush on Madeline but her not realizing. And maybe he could have decided to go to NYU with Maddie and she ended up developing feelings for him, or she could not. It could go any way really.

For Aggie, I'm open to anything. Madeline would just love to have her other best friend. We can come up with something interesting for them.

If someone were to pick him up, I would love you dearly! <333

[book]: madeline, [movie]: madeline

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