
Mar 30, 2011 20:09

Your Muse: Natalie Bruenner

Muse wanted: Friends, partner, male love interest, adversary, Watcher

Community: anywhere really... sixwordstories, smuttysws, personal LJs, etc

Fandom: Highlander

Canon: Highlander and/or any crime-scene shows (anything present-day where an FBI Agent could fit in)

Book, Movie, Game, Other: [see above]

PB: as long as they're human ( Read more... )

[panfandom], [movie]: highlander, [tv show]: highlander: the series

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ladyofcousland April 28 2011, 21:24:27 UTC
Man, I haven't watched Highlander in AGES, but it was a favorite show back then, yes'm. Anyway, while I probably couldn't pull off anyone from the canon fandom, I do know how the world "works", per se, and could more than likely dream up an OC to play along with.

Is there anyone (friend, lover, ect.) you're mostly fiending for right off hand? I'm good at coming up with backstories and character creation, and could even play another Immortal, if you liked.


jurisimmortalis April 28 2011, 21:37:47 UTC
Right now, I'm kinda jonesing for a work-partner or possibly love interest. Someone she sees everyday and has to work at hiding her Immortality from. I'd actually prefer someone who, while intelligent, wouldn't have a clue about her abilities. They'd know something was up, but it'll be a struggle for them to find out because she's stubborn like that.

Luckily, all the episodes happen to be online now. Which really helps. :)


ladyofcousland April 28 2011, 21:40:58 UTC
Mmk, so neither of those would be another Player, yes? Just trying to iron out any kinks before my brain spins off into the realm of detaildom.


jurisimmortalis April 28 2011, 21:53:49 UTC
They'd both probably be normal, average, every-day normal mortals. However, there's always the possibility of having either/or be pre-Immortal. Nat's still young (she's only been Immortal for 3 years), so the chances are slim she'd recognize a pre-Immortal if she came across one.

My general thought is that she's mostly able to hide what she is until she ends up in a crisis situation. One example would be that her and her partner are in some kind of shoot-out and he sees her heal. Or her and the boyfriend are in a car accident or something like that.

Immortal Wiki
Highlander Wiki


ladyofcousland April 28 2011, 22:34:24 UTC
I like the pre-Immortal bit; that could actually work well. Are you all right with co-worker-evolves-into-romance, for the sake of the drama, or do you want to keep them separate, or maybe have both at some point?


jurisimmortalis April 28 2011, 22:37:36 UTC
I think the coworker-turned-romance is a great idea! I'm a sucker for unresolved sexual tension. :D


ladyofcousland April 28 2011, 22:41:26 UTC
Awesome! I live for angst, drama and totally abusing my poor pups. But they like it. Let me see what I can come up with, herp a derp.


jurisimmortalis April 28 2011, 22:44:20 UTC
And Nat's going to be a tough nut. She has her walls, and she also has a bad habit of pushing people until they push back (or leave). So, yeah. I'd love to see who you come up with.


alwaysaloner April 28 2011, 22:57:49 UTC
Hallo, Agent Bruenner. Meet your new biffle. /goes on an icon hunting frenzy of frenzy


jurisimmortalis April 28 2011, 23:16:59 UTC
Hello, yourself. *smiles*


alwaysaloner April 28 2011, 23:23:23 UTC
I'm going to run and fetch some more icons, then work on getting a journal layout for this dude here and some history/backstory. Might be a bit, am at work and fielding calls, but will be diligent regardless!


jurisimmortalis April 28 2011, 23:38:04 UTC
Works for me! I'm really looking forward to this! :D


alwaysaloner April 29 2011, 00:19:13 UTC
Outline so far, to be edited, played around with, ect, but open to suggestions/criticisms/whatever. :D Let me know what you think, needs to be changed, improved, removed, yadda yadda.

I haven't done any test runs, obviously, so this is just hard details from the forefront of my brain. More will come as fleshing is done. ...that sounds like gutting a fish, but...oh well. :F


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