Because I will never give up on finding castmates

Feb 09, 2011 12:14

Your Muse: Marie-Antoinette
Muse wanted: Anyone and everyone from the movie.
Community: Six Word Stories
Fandom: Coppola's Marie-Antoinette
Canon: The movie itself, but with some history smushed in. Mostly due to the fact that my Antoinette is faithful to her husband, contrary t popular belief that she did the dirty in the bushes with a Swede.
Book, Movie, Game, Other: Movieish
PB: The ones in the movie pretty please
Contact via: (PM, comment, ect) Right here is fabulous

So we've got some of the cast wandering about already including Louis-Auguste kingofawkward , That Dick Provence norprincely, and his wife Marie Josephine 4timesnotenough. I also have a tiny/young version of Antoinette who hangs around sometimes too archduchesstoni.

I would love love love anyone and everyone from the movie. There's so man characters to take and play around with, like King Louis XV, Lamballe, Polignac, Fersen, Leonard, Joseph, really the sky is the limit here.

[historical/real person fiction], [movie]: marie antoinette

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