(no subject)

Jan 27, 2011 15:38

Your Muse: Citrus Montag (OC)
Muse wanted: Her roommates, friends, love interests (m or f, not interested in that being a focus, however, I enjoy realism), random passerby, The Sandman muses, etc. 
Community: sixwordstories , smuttysws , personal journals
Fandom: OC/The Sandman
Canon: It'll be what we'll make it
Book, Movie, Game, Other: OC/Graphic Novel
PB: Up to you, though I have a vast collection of PB icons for nearly anyone in existence. I can suggest some great uncommon ones.
Contact via: Comment here, PM

All right, oooh, it's a scary OC. I don't blame you. I'm not a fan of OCs sometimes, especially poor OCs. I'm not claiming Citrus is great, but she has a background, and she's not here for weird "hooking up with characters with my fav PB lol liek whoa". She was a side character in a NaNo novel me and a friend wrote as a tribute to Fahrenheit 451, with eventual aspects of The Sandman. Here as a roleplay character though, she'll be adjusted to whatever makes sense for who she's interacting with. Please check out her profile, and ask any questions. Feel no obligation, really, even if you're just curious, ask! This is NOT an angst ridden PB who needs someone to comfort/protect/bear the brunt of her tantrums. She's a happy girl. Who may need someone to make sure she's not drifting between reality and unreality sometimes.

I'd LOVE The Sandman muses.

[comics]: sandman, [original character]: no name

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