(no subject)

Jan 18, 2011 09:48

Your Muse: Linus van Pelt
Muse wanted: Sally Brown, Rerun van Pelt
Community: sixwordstories, journals, andtheylived if you feel like it
Fandom: Peanuts
Canon: Comics, Movie, Um but it's a wee bit AU
PB: Whomever you think looks like Sally, but please check out the active character list for andtheylived if you're interested in that. As for Rerun, in canon he looks just like Linus only smaller, so... someone who looks like Sondre Lerche would be good but not absolutely necessary.
Contact via: Here. A PM. Whatevers.

Anyway, the short of it, I play Linus at age 20. He's a student at NYU and friends with some fabulous people. Linus needs people from his childhood, though. Who better than Sally to pester him mercilously by still calling him her Sweet Babboo? And what's a boy without his brother? Though, I should say, Rerun is obviously not his name. You're welcome to pick whatever you want, but I sort of thought it'd be another L name. Like Leonard or Lenny or Lawrence or Larry.

[comics]: (misc title-see memories), [movie]: (misc title-see memories)

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