Your Muse: Barry Hatch.
Muse wanted: Theresa, Reaver, Hero or Heroine.
Community: N/A, as it is a work-in-progress. We have a (spoiler-heavy!)
public WIP discussion entry though, which we add to as we sort out the canon and the premise, etc. The founder's
ABOUT ME page is also required reading, at an early point.
Fandom: Fable III.
The RP is set post-game, and is AU; for example, Barry Hatch was not killed by the balverine party-guest at Reaver's manor, and thus he has been cursed/infected.
Book, Movie, Game, Other: Game.
PB: N/A.
Contact via: AIM, preferably via journals, either on this journal, or the linked journals at Insanejournal, as the current players and the founder are hosting it on that server.