(no subject)

Jan 04, 2011 18:16

Your Muse: Connor MacLeod, possible Highlander OC
Muse wanted: Other Highlander muses, mainly TV series, except for Amanda because I've already found one. highlander OCs welcome!
Community: Doesn't exist yet, help me form one?
Fandom: Highlander TV series with a touch of movieness
Canon: I'd like to work with other HL muses to agree on a setting, possibly one involving a little canon tweaking to keep certain characters (Connor, Richie?) alive.
Book, Movie, Game, Other: TV, Movie
PB: TV/Movie PBs, except in the case of original characters of course.
Contact via: Here, PM, or email to rey at crackmonkeyproductions dot net

[movie]: highlander, [tv show]: highlander: the series

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