Your Muse: Seamus Caffee
Muse wanted: Michael Caffee, Tommy Caffee and/or anyone else from the show and a best friend original character named Edison
Community: sixwordstories and personal journals
Fandom: Brotherhood
Canon: AU
Book, Movie, Game, Other: TV Show
PB: The amazing actors who play the character and for Edison it’s whatever
Contact via: Here or send me a PM
The break down is that Michael has a fifteen/sixteen year old son that he has no idea about. Like…really, really no idea. That’s really all there is to the story. I want a Michael or Tommy or whoever to play Seamus against. Like he notices Tommy’s name in a newspaper ‘Rep. Caffee ect ect ect’ and thinks maybe he should pay him a visit seeing as they share a name. Really all I have right now is Seamus and his background.