(no subject)

Nov 08, 2010 11:39

Your Muse: Snow White
Muse wanted: Bigby Wolf, her children, Prince Charming, Rose Red, pretty much any Fables muse.
Community: sixwordstories or wherever.
Fandom: Fables
Canon: generally post-book 12, "The Dark Ages", but before "The Great Fables Crossover", but I'm pretty open to playing any and all parts of canon, even as far back as in the Homelands. Also willing to go AU, if anyone would like.
Book, Movie, Game, Other: Comic book series
PB: Whomever you think would fit, really. I'm entirely open, just would prefer live-action PB.
Contact via: (PM, comment, ect) Either comment this post, or PM this journal :)

[comics]: fables

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