Feb 27, 2010 12:26

This is the Muse Member List for musebyrp.

We allow duplicates of all canon characters with no limit the amount of duplicates who can join and have no limit on how many pups a writer can join with. To join, you are simply required to log your character details here, and then click to join the community, musebyrp, and a moderator will approve your request.

ALL MUSE JOURNALS REQUESTING TO JOIN MUST HAVE: 1) a brief profile containing character name, whether it's canon or original, the fandom if it is canon, and at least one small pargraph of character outline, AND 2) a disclaimer of some sort, especially for canon characters and preferrably in regards to the PB.

Please note, mods will NOT approve the join request without the characters details logged in in this post. Logging the character details here acts as both constructing the members list and as the community application.

Please follow these steps carefully before joining the community.

1) Find the letter below that is the FIRST LETTER OF YOUR CHARACTER'S FIRST NAME.
For example, Gregory House would go under G, or Castiel would go under C.

2) Click the REPLY TO THIS link under that letter's thread.
Please ensure you reply to the letter thread and NOT the main post.

3) In the SUBJECT BOX, place your character's name.
See a fake example HERE.

4) In the MESSAGE BOX, copy and paste the fields in the below box, filling out your character's details, and then hit 'Post Comment'.

Muse Name:
Muse Journal:

5) Request to JOIN musebyrp by clicking HERE.
A moderator will need to approve your request for membership.

Once you have followed all five steps, a moderator will approve your request for membership. Once you receive notification of this, you are free to start posting. Please note, you must be a member of musebyrp to both post AND reply to threads.

[mod post] muse member list, [comm] musebyrp

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