Taking God into the Equations

Feb 08, 2010 15:54

Had an interesting urge to write something in a discussion going on in Facebook. About gay marriages. Someone posted this...

"Sexual intimacy between a man and a woman is the normal method of
male/female bonding (emotionally and physically) because it corresponds
to the design of our bodies and because it is the normal means by which
offspring are created.

God had intended the human race to be fulfilled through both
heterosexual and homosex...ual marriage, He would have designed our bodies
to allow reproduction through both means and made both means of sexual
intercourse healthy and natural."

Go on, flame me. But at least read it first."

A lot of discussion happened afterwards. Linked HERE

I wrote my own little response.

"The biological factor of this is true. But in a way, if you take God into the argument, it is also a survival technique to have some desire the same gender as their own. Even animals have this, if more primitive, where you see monkeys be indiscriminate with whom they are copulating with.

If every single human were designed to bear children, the population would explode to self destruction a long time ago. The desire for same sex relations is internal, a rewiring of the brain that cannot be avoided and should not be considered a disease or defect. It is merely needed to assure that a population does not remain constantly doubling and tripling like the Chessboard Theory and has some variations in the equation. It is also a proven case that sex and emotions are strongly linked to improve upon a person's lifespan (endorphins levels) or health and to completely exclude those who simply desire the same gender from this equation only ensures one possible outcome...that eventually the only way one can derive pleasure from a sexual relationship is if they have it with the opposite gender, and then the Population Explosion equation comes into play all over again.

Basically, what I am trying to say here is thus. A person cannot be forced to love and marry someone they simply do not have the capacity nor physical wiring to do so just to ensure the continuity of a species. In the past, yes this was so. But today we must understand the fundamentals of what this could do in a real and physical sense. We cannot afford to ignore the fact that if every homosexual male or female in the world suddenly started sexual relations with the opposite sex, it would cause a massive hiccup. One may not see it this way I suppose from inside perspectives, but I as a Bisexual female tend to cringe whenever I am told I need to see counselling for how my brain works.... See More

Back to the God thing. God made us, so we say, so why did he make so many like me and my friends? Because it is needed and is completely normal. We bring too much moral standing into it and it shouldn't be so.
Why should we care who someone else marries when our own children are running around carefree and we have successfully passed along our genes to the next generation?
If one of my children turned out to be gay, I'm sure I'd be fine. Sure I'd be a little upset I probably wouldn't be a grandmother but it is not my place to suddenly force upon someone to think a certain way because society thinks so...yet God made us all.

If God made us all equal...why are some black, white, oriental, gay, straight, bisexual, too tall, too short, live the longest, die at birth...and so on? I wish someone of a church could answer this without saying "God works in mysterious ways" when all they could say is "It is how a species finds the strongest and best way to survive...variety."
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