Castle Premiere Squeeing and New Books

Sep 21, 2011 17:00

I feel like I'm late posting about the premiere of ABC's Castle, but omg I have missed this show like mad. Does anyone else watch it ( Read more... )

the mortal instruments, castle

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Comments 16

betta329 September 22 2011, 09:45:54 UTC
I absolutely adore Castle. I started watching as the obligatory IT HAS NATHAN FILLION IN IT and I love it so much. I have experimented with unposted pics. I watch vids. I look up spoilers. Have you read the Ausiello/Marlowe interview after this premiere? I am pretty pissed at some implied these secrets are going to come out and break them up. But dammit, I love this show so much. SO MUCH! I can't not watch it, even when I'm throwing pillows and screaming at the screen. They are just phenomenal. And Castle with Kate in the hospital, God I about started crying seeing him swallow that sob. Oh. My. God.


museme87 September 22 2011, 17:35:34 UTC
Do you have a link to the interview you're referring to? I try to keep up with the Castle news/spoiler blogs, but I might have missed one. I've yet to see anything that pisses me off or something concerning splitting up Castle and Beckett. :O I did hear about the episode with Castle and this woman flirting, but I seriously doubt that's going to last more than one episode. I feel like Marlowe isn't stupid enough to allow another love interest come between these two, especially since he's already said that Castle and Beckett are in a relationship, just a very very complicated one.

I really loved how Kate had to go after Castle in the premiere. Such a change of roles! And I also love how she made herself available to him, not just then but down the road. What with her little "I won't be ready for a relationship until I solve my mother's crime" speech. Which was essentially, "Castle, I want in your pants, but not just yet", lol!


betta329 September 23 2011, 13:18:50 UTC Marlowe says something about the secrets coming to light and being unforgivable, so you know he's going to rattle that cage. Because he is a bastard. And an amazing writer. And wants to make all the fangirls scream and throw their tvs out the window so they will buy more. Or buy every dvd and video to analyze every second. LOL

I don't think it's going to split c/b up with the new women, but it's going to make for some AMAZING tension! HUZZAH!

I loved the scene with them in the park, and that she went to his book signing. GAH! I LOVE THIS SHOW! I just want them to do it already. LOL


museme87 September 23 2011, 13:32:15 UTC
I hadn't read that interview yet, so thanks for sharing! While the secrets could definitely cause some major turmoil and probably will in the course of this season, I'd like to think that Marlowe is very aware of what the fans want and isn't going to push too hard on us. He even says at the bottom of the interview that he's aware, and so far I think he's handled our feelings well. I'm actually looking forward to the big explosion between them, lol. And I think the tension between them is about to get a whole lot more intense this season, guh. So excited!


klose September 22 2011, 16:12:20 UTC
I haven't read The Mortal Instruments, and I have to admit that I have no plans to and have an eternal grudge against the author because of the plagiarism issue. I understand it probably just looks like pointless fandom wank, but... it definitely wasn't. XD I mean, she literally took chunks out of published works without crediting - and I suppose "it's just fanfiction", but I see it as a matter of integrity and besides which, the obsessive quoting made her writing really choppy. (Also, being a journalist, she really can't claim ignorance, you know?) IDK, I just wanted to mention this because it's not just some petty fandom wank involved here. :S Though of course, that's there in spades.


museme87 September 22 2011, 17:22:56 UTC
So from what I've just read on fanhistory on the matter, I'm to understand that the Claire plagiarism scandal has nothing to do with The Mortal Instruments and everything to do with her time as a fanfic writer? So she copied ideas from a published work of fiction and used it in her own fic? I was initially under the impression that there were claims of plagiarism in regards to her published fiction, not her fanfic ( ... )


klose September 22 2011, 17:50:02 UTC
Ideas are one thing, though she did literally, liberally, insert entire passages and pages of published works not related to Potter practically word-for-word (changing, say, John to Draco).... actually, it can be read all about it here - the author of that account includes side-by-side comparisons so the reader can see for themselves.

I get what you mean about fanfiction involving some level of plagiarism. This is definitely true! But I see the Cassandra Clare debacle as like this - what if another Lily/James writer took passages of Muggle Studies for their Potter fic, and didn't mention that they'd taken it, much less credit you? I mean, sure, it's all fanfic in the end, but it's the principle of it, I guess. We're all using JKR's work, but most people I know make clear that they're using her world as a playground, and not trying to pass off Avada Kedavra as their own invention, for example. (To be fair though, Cassandra Claire did credit certain things, though, like the excessive Buffy quotes, but not all.) Probably a faulty ( ... )


museme87 September 22 2011, 18:04:12 UTC
Yeah, I completely understand what you're saying and where you're coming from! :) Talking about these sorts of plagiarism issues within the context of fanfiction is so difficult to do, especially when some credit is given and some isn't. And I definitely understand the outrage because no one likes to see anyone's work stolen, and honestly, there should never be a reason for plagiarism to begin with ( ... )


huntingsnarks September 24 2011, 19:13:46 UTC
Do let me know if the book improves. I started reading it myself, but gave up in the face of Meyer-type writing. So if it winds up being awesome, I need to know. :)


museme87 September 26 2011, 16:11:45 UTC
I've yet to pick it up again, but I will let everyone know when I do. The Meyer-writing is definitely upsetting. Ugh.


amethysth October 29 2011, 00:42:46 UTC
Oh man, I feel like I should have warned you (which is why I reviewed it as a trilogy). I actually enjoyed the books together, as you saw from my review, but my best friend read them after me and she hated them (but she loved clare's second series, The Infernal Devices, which I have not yet read). I know what you mean though, but I actually DID feel that the books got better ( ... )


museme87 October 29 2011, 01:58:28 UTC
Well I only read a little of the first book and then shelved it for later reading. I'll likely try to give it another shot when I have some more down time. :)


icicle33 November 5 2011, 06:33:29 UTC
I've read the entire Mortal Instruments trilogy, and I have to say, they do get better with each book. Yes, you are right, Cassie's writing is superfluous in all the books, particularly her descriptions. However, the dialogue does get better; it's really snappy and pretty witty for YA fiction. The problem people have had with the Mortal Instruments is that Cassie basically plagiarized herself because she included entire chunks from the Draco Trilogy in City of Bones. Also--Jace, who in my opinion is the best character in the series, is basically her redeemed badboy Draco from her Draco Trilogy. He sprouts much of Draco's acerbic wit. So--if you like Draco, then you will enjoy the series and the snarky relationship between Clary and Jace. If you're not a fan of snark and fanon Draco, then you probably won't like the series and should stop reading. I hope this helps.


museme87 November 5 2011, 14:56:08 UTC
Thank you for the feedback! I'm a huge fan of Clare's dialogue; I did find that out in the two chapters I read. And dialogue isn't necessarily the easiest thing to write. I'm definitely going to try to give her another chance, but probably when I have fewer books on my must-read-this-now list, lol.

Beautiful icon, btw. :)


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