Harry Potter Meme

Feb 06, 2010 11:38

1. The first character I fell in love with: Probably Ron. I can't really explain it. I loved how he was this little boy living in his brothers' shadows and striving to make something unique of himself, which seemed impossible at times. I think Ron's heart is really in the right place, but he has this temper that gets the best of him at times.

2. The character(s) I never expected to love as much as I do now: The Marauders and Lily. Our time is very limited with them in the books, but somehow they just stood out to me. Sirius with his charisma and desire to break free from the Black name. James with his perseverance through just about everything. Remus with his wit and his struggle with being a werewolf. Peter with his fierce loyalty and inevitable betrayal. And Lily for her sacrifice. God.

3. The character (most) everyone else loves that I don't: Snape. He's a complete ass to just about everyone in the book. Sure he was tortured by the fact that he loved Lily Evans but could never have her, but by the point that that was revealed in the book, he was past the point of redemption in my eyes. Not to mention the fact that he hated Harry just because he was James Potter's son. Yeah, he saved his life a few times, but that was really only because he was hung up on his mum. I think a lot of the Snape mania is because Alan Rickman is just an incredible Snape (and manages to humanize the man).

4. The character that I love that everyone else hates:  James Potter! I love James. I think a lot of people dislike him because he was a bully, but somehow this morphs into a him being a raging douchebag up until the point of his death. I don't really follow that line of reasoning. People grow up, you know. Especially in the middle of an effing war. Lily would have NEVER come around if James was the same bully in seventh year as we saw he was in "Snape's Worst Memory." And, he sacrificed his own life to buy Lily and Harry time to escape. It doesn't get much nobler than that. /rant

5. The character I used to love but don't any longer: Hermione. I still really like her, but my love has dwindled over time. I don't know if it's because we get so much of her story that there is little left to the imagination or what. But yeah, Hermione.

6. The character I would shag anytime: Sirius Black. Mmmm.

7. The character I want to be like: Dumbledore. He's such a haunted character and has made a million and one mistakes, but he's still so damn awesome. He's very self aware, and he can just read people (I think it has less to do with legilimens and more to do with his personality). You know, I'd be happy if I could just be half as quotable, lol.

8. The character I'd slap: Draco. What a little shit. He acts all big and bad (and talk about a bully), but when push comes to shove he just can't take it. If he didn't have to put on this front, I think I'd be able to like him a lot better than I do.

9. A pairing that I love: Sirius/Remus! They are each other's opposite in the very sense of the word, but the way they interact with one another just oozes this closeness, as if they could hold a conversation without words. Ugh, words cannot begin to accurately describe my love. I'm ready for you to out them, JKR!

10. Two pairings that I hate:

Remus/Tonks. Hate it. Maybe loathe would be more accurate. It's not the fact that it has to potential to sink my ship; it's that it came out of effing no where! Suddenly Tonks is making moon eyes after Sirius' death, and Lupin keeps telling her to back the hell off. Then she some how suckers him into marriage and a baby over the course of like...a year. And he leaves her twice, if memory serves me, once while she's pregnant! The man obviously isn't all that much in love with her. It just doesn't make any sense to have thrown it in there last minute, IMO.

Snape/Lily. I don't get it. He's a Death Eater. Death Eater's kill Muggles and Muggle-borns. Maybe if he weren't...I dunno...evil, they would have had a shot. Though I don't think that Lily ever returned his feelings even before he went over to the dark side. But maybe above all else about this pairing, I hate how James always ends up as this bad boyfriend/husband. I reiterate my point in #4: Lily would have never have even so much looked his way if he hadn't grown up.

11. Favorite character: Dumbledore. He's so wise yet human. Well, I think his wisdom has come from his mistakes, and those mistakes make him human. And, he's not afraid to stand up for what is right, despite the odds being against him. I love his quirks, and I love the fact that he fancies men. I don't really think I can think of one thing that I dislike about Dumbledore.

12. My six favorite characters: Dumbledore, Sirius, Remus, James, Lily, and Ginny.

13. My five least favorite characters: Tonks, Umbridge, Voldemort, Snape, and Lucius

14. Which character I am most like: Hedwig? Haha, I honestly have no idea. Maybe Ginny? I always imagining her a bit fiery (certainly as far as her temper is concerned) and a capable young woman. I consider myself capable, and lord knows I have a temper.

15. My deep, dark fandom secret: My brain cannot process Remus/Tonks as canon. There was this one incident a few months back when I came across a Remus/Tonks fic, and I was all "Remus/Tonks? Pssh, like THAT would happen...er...oh yeah, that's canon...damn."  

fun, harry potter

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