Writing Update Thing

Jun 04, 2012 16:32

After much back-and-forth, I've decided to put all my WIPs on a posting hiatus until I can finish them. Not a writing hiatus, just posting. I'll still be writing as much as I always do.

Basically, I'm discovering that, as much as I enjoy the real time experience of WIP, I suck at it. Somehow this whole thing has become more stress inducing than I ever imagined. It doesn't so much feel like it's me and a story anymore so much as it's me, a story, and a crowded room filled with chattering people. And if anyone is familiar with my writing process, chattering is a giant no-no. I miss the one-on-one.

So that's that. I know a lot of you hate WIPs because of the fear of abandonment, so let me reassure you that anything that's incomplete now will be completed. You're still welcome to ask me about updates and the like over on tumblr or here via PM if you're that curious. And when I do start posting again, you'll get updates much, much more frequently. I hope that somehow makes up for my lack of insight when I started a lot of my QAF projects.

Sorry, guys. I feel shitty for changing things mid game, but I think it'll work out best for everyone.

ETA: I suppose I should specify that everything I post from now on will be completed before posting, not just the current WIPs.

write all the qaf fic, life is a ball of stress

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