Title: Three's A Crowd
museme87Pairing(s): Brian/Justin, Ben/Michael, Mel/Lindsay, Ted/Blake, Deb/Carl
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Over the course of his and Justin's seven year non-relationship, Brian had never been one to say no to a third party addition. But when the addition is far more permanent and redefines playroom for the worst, Brian thinks
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You know, it was totally thoughtless of him, even I realized that, hahaha. It was more of a matter of needing it to happen for the story tbh. I try to bury my plot necessities in a lot of logical and natural story progression, but sometimes my attempts aren't as veiled as I'd like them to be, lol! Something had to get the ball rolling, and that was the best thing I could think of, though it was a terribly ballsy move on Brian's part. Of course, so is buying your boyfriend a hustler for his birthday or announcing to your partner by way of a joke that you had an std... Oh Brian...not always the thoughtful one.
I look forward to writing an insufferable Elise. She's pretty terrible in the one-shot I'm working on now, but she's still little. Three-year-olds are allowed to be the worst.
Nope, Justin didn't know a thing about Trevor, so you can imagine that finding Brian kissing him was a pretty earth-shattering moment for him. And when he finds out--though it's pretty implied--that Brian's had Trevor more than once, you can bet there'll be a meltdown of some sort. Thankfully, Brian's no longer at the point in his life where he feels that Justin's hang-ups are Justin's problem and whatever happens, happens. He's much more willing to fight at the tender age of 39.
Thanks for reading, sweetie!
You should put Spoiler Alert to your comment, now I stuck with the waiting nonsense. You're such a teaser
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