Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

Dec 30, 2011 00:22

This is a review rant about the new Zelda game that I've waited for ever since it was announced. Let me see, where do I start...

Fi: Link's accountant assistant helper figure-skater oh heck.. whatever she is. She's the worse sidekick of Link yet. She didn't even make sense at all. She looked ridiculous! Whenever she sang, she just opened her mouth like she was possessed or something. And what's up with that whole calculation bullcrap? "Master, there is an 80% chance that..." I thought that was ridiculous! I know the chances and I don't need percentages, bitch.

The trials....the effing trials: Need I say more? The repetitive trials to prove myself worthy. The whole game was about proving to the gods how awesome you are. Speaking of that..

Repetitiveness: And lots of it! You pretty much go back and forth places doing these little (or should I say TIME CONSUMING) tasks. It reminded me a lot of Zelda: Wind Waker. I had to fly then drop then fly then drop to places. Which now brings me to the next negative:

Lack of places: There was the forest, the volcano area, and the desert. That's pretty much it. You just go back and forth those places doing time-consuming tasks.

Lack of depth: I didn't really have to upgrade anything throughout the entire game. I didn't have to collect rupees (money) or upgrade my wallet at all because I had no reason to. I didn't have to collect anything and I didn't even realize I had a shield I can use because the shield had no use in the game.

Lame bosses: All of them, even the last one. Nothing epic at all. Some bosses were repeated; it lacked suspense. Did I mention how REPETITIVE the bosses were? LOL! I fought a few bosses multiple times. The bosses were not memorable either due to lack of epicness! Whenever I look back at previous Zelda games, I think of the memorable bosses while music plays in the background. Speaking of that....

Soundtrack sucks: I've always loved Zelda games due to their soundtrack. This one lacked good music background. The boss music sucked. Every music sucked. That harp was ridiculous! What was the point of going through REPETITIVE trials and learning new songs? All I had to do was swing the Wii remote sideways to play the music. And did I mention the music sucked?

Wii Motion Plus: This is one of those games I don't care if all I have to do is hit "A". I play Zelda for the story. It doesn't make it any greater now that the sword swings the way I swing the Wii remote. Actually, it's quite f*cking annoying. It's too repetitive! And today, I woke up with an aching wrist; my wrist f*cking hurts! Some of the enemies were annoying to beat because I had to slash them a SPECIFIC way. It was great at first but honestly, it got REPETITIVE.

So, to sum up my review for Skyward Sword in one word, I would say this Zelda game was REPETITIVE. (Collect this, collect that just for a lame ass story). That's all it was. In the end, I was so relieved to finish it so that I can put it in its case and hide it somewhere. And I wont be playing it again like previous great Zelda games.

Overall, I give Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword a 6 out of 10. Boohoo..... =(

games, zelda

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