1) Lots of pillows or just one?
Just one for me, it better be a flat and firm one too! Too much fluff and I’ll not be able to sleep...
2) What kind of books do you read?
I used to read all the time when I was younger, but as I truly discovered music and the joys of computers it just didn’t do it for me anymore. That being said I’ve always had a thing for fiction, I loved the Jurassic Park books and I devoured Lord of the Rings. I re-discovered reading again a couple of years ago due to a certain unmentionable saga (haters deal with it, alright?), but once that crush was over I’ve made sure to add Muse: Inside the Muscle Museum, Muse: Out of this world and Anthony Kiedis: Scar Tissue to my new more interesting, but scarce collection.
3) What are your neighbours like?
Pretty cool neighbours. We don’t exactly hang out, but we’re all a bit younger and there are luckily no kids.
4) What's the best lesson you've ever learned?
Probably many things I can’t remember at the moment, but one thing I’ve surely learned is that if I expect things to get done I better do it myself.
5) Tell 3 things you have in your point of view right now.
1: My un-made bed.
2: A delicious Muse-poster on the bedroom door.
3: Two of my favorite plants, I love green plants like crazy!
6) What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
Everyone around me knows that I’m very obsessed with Muse, getting more obsessed by the day really.
7) Do you prefer your junk food sweet, salty or savoy?
Definitely salty! I’ve always had a thing for salt whether it’s licorice, crisps or bacon. Love salt!
8) What websites do you always visit when you go online?
Facebook, LJ, muse.mu.
9) What was the last thing you bought?
An awesome dress I wore just a couple of nights ago as I attended a Christmas dinner with the company I work for. It’ll also be my New Year’s dress yay!
10) What can a man (or woman) do that leaves you helpless to their charms, and guaranteed to fall head over heels for them?
Humor always does it for me...I just need to have a good laugh every day! I thank God for Belldom btw lol.
11) What is the most difficult thing you have ever done?
As strange as it must sound to outsiders, fighting for my current relationship (5 and a half years and counting...). He’s Turkish and was at the time living in Turkey aswell. Not only did we together have to fight the difficulties of distance and cultural differences; people around me put a label on me as ‘one of the stupid girls’ who fell for the Mediterranean charms and empty promises, and at the same time my boyfriend had to serve his country in the army for 15 months in the worst possible location in the whole goddamn country. Three years passed before he came to live with me and now we both know it was worth it. *phew*
12) What was the last meal you ate?
My own home made vegetable soup.
13) Do you want to learn another language?
I’d love to! My native language is Swedish and English is clearly my favourite, but I also speak some Turkish and German. A dream would be to learn Italian!
14) Five things you want right now:
1 -Go to Australia and watch The Muuuuuuse (lol)!
2 - Leave this cold effing country for a few weeks to get some much needed sun.
3 - The un-ironed laundry to magically be all done...
4 - Start playing the trumpet again, I started playing 12 years ago and I miss it a lot.
5 - Join a rock band, I’ve always wanted it, but God know I have to move away from this dump...
15) When is the last time you cried and why?
I was watching a Youtube video someone made about Soldiers surprising their families coming home from Iraq earlier and it was really touching...
16) What's something that someone said to you today that was amusing?
The mechanic where I work is quite young and is constantly making us all laugh, so it’s hard to just remember the last one.
17) What are you looking forward to?
Enjoying life at it’s best next summer, working with scuba diving in Marmaris, Turkey next summer with my boyfriend. It’s been a dream of mine so long to work in another country for a season!
18) Do you prefer boxers/briefs/tighty whities on a guy?
Boxers! Are you kidding me??
19) What is your favourite electronic accessory?
My iPhone! I just got it last week and it’s just such a blessing. <3
I'm tagging the following, hope noone's been tagged before!