Meme...Stolen From Kerrykate

Jun 20, 2008 11:08

Name something you have in common with all your siblings?
10 fingers...10 toes...two eyes and a nose

Do you fold your underwear?
why would I do that?

Do you like to drink the juice out of freeze pops?
Those things are a toxic mess...all of that dye...ick.

Who is the last person you wrote a letter to on paper?
My friend Patti in Australia

What was your first job?
I worked in a video game arcade in the late 80s

What's the one thing you love/miss about your Grandma's cooking?
She used to make really amazing spanish rice...I've tried to figure
out her recipe, but never have been able to duplicate it.

What color is your favorite hoodie?

Name a sound that disturbs you?
Cats fighting in the middle of the night

What's your typical ice cream order at your favorite place?
I don't eat ice cream

What comes to mind when I say cabbage?

What did your day consist of today?
Woke up, flossed, brushed teeth, washed face,
made breakfast,ate, watered garden, rinsed my jar 
of sprouts, drained Kefir,read the latest copy of 
Natural Health, daydreamed, pet my cats, read 
some of my new book- Urban Wilderness, took my
supplements, checked my Etsy shops, put on 
Pandora radio, read LJ friends journals, sat in
the grass and snapped photos of my garden and
little birds,  went for a short walk, checked out  some
abandoned chairs by the dumpster, daydreamed
about repainting the chairs, changed my mind,
picked up some litter on the walk back home, went
out and did some errands,  went for a bike ride on
my new retro-kitsch white beach cruiser bicycle
(thank you Dad!), picked some wild mulberries,
ate dinner, checked e-mail, looked up mulberry
recipes, watched Xanadu videos on youtube, gave
Conner hugs and kisses, picked up mulch at the
local mulch/compost pile, mulched the garden,
watched the cats graze on grass, made some ghost
hunting videos, played around with some pics in
paintshop, did some ballet excercises, stretched
my spine on my excercise ball, did some more reading-
randomly flipped through natural health books, sat
on the porch, watched fireflies, looked at the stars,
flossed,brushed teeth, snuggled with Conner, fell
asleep, dreamed.

Are you emotional?
YES...I am not a robot...I feel things deep.

Have you ever had the same dream more than once? dreams are all just a bunch of re-runs...

Do you use chap stick?
No...I use raw coconut oil on my lips

If you were in an emergency situation and you had to deliver a baby, could you?
Yes...I am good in emergency situations and am not scared by blood, pain and
all of the emotional intensity that surrounds the birthing experience.

What was the most recent thing you bought other than day to day essentials and why?
Brocolli sprout seeds and raw Goji berries....because they're mega superfoods.

What is on your refrigerator door?
An inspirational page that I pulled out of a magazine that says,
"Live with intention. Walk to the edge. Listen hard. Practice wellness.
Play with abandon. Laugh. Choose with no regret. Appreciate your
friends. Continue to learn. Do what you love. Live as if this is all there
is." Mary Anne Radmacher.

Name something you have to do tomorrow?
Pick up books, CD's and movies from the Bookmobile

What was the last movie you watched?

Do any of your friends have children?

Do you prefer regular or chocolate milk?
Raw. Organic. Local. 
Sometimes I drink chocolate almond milk

When was the last time you had Starbucks?
2001. Starbucks sucks. I make my own coffee.

Can you whistle?

Would you ever want to swim with the sharks?
No way!

Do you know how to do a cart-wheel?
Yes...but it's been awhile...not sure if I could do one now.

What are you wearing?
A batiked cotton orange and brown sun dress with an empire
waist, sphagetti straps and a-line skirt. I LOVE this
dress and am addicted to wearing it- so comfy and cute!

What was the last thing you ate?
Breakfast- 1 piece of whole grain toast, 1 organic free range egg-
scrambled with 2 garlic cloves and 1/2 a jalapeno,organic black
beans, a handful of fresh sprouts, freshly picked mulberries, some
raw organic sunflower seeds, a teaspoon of raw organic Hawaiian
honey and one banana.

Where are you right now?
At my computer desk

When was the last time you slept on the floor?
A little over a year ago, when we made a blanket fort in the livingroom

Would you chew gum that's already been chewed?
That's really disgusting...I don't think so.

Who have you talked to on the phone today?
Nobody yet. Probably will call my Mom in California later.

What comes to your mind when I say pumpkins?
Pumpkin seeds...yum.

Friend that lives closest to you?

How old are you?

What color are your eyes?
Dark brown


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