Junk Drawer Show And Tell

Jun 17, 2008 14:00

My junk drawers used to overwhelm and even scare me. 
I went through a period when I used to just throw stuff in
them that I didn't want to deal with, like old letters and
photos from dead relatives, papers from my past etc...

Last year, I went into all of my drawers and did a major 
purge. I kept anything that I felt would be good for art
projects and a few things for sentimental purposes.
I then gave away, recycled or burned the rest of it.

There's something about going to auctions and 
digging through dead peoples drawers and boxes
that made me start thinking about what I keep in mine.
I also realized that in the end, you can't take it with you,
but you can leave behind some interesting box lots of
stuff...and maybe some day someone else will love
and cherish your old belongings. Morbid? Yes. But
it's the truth.

I've included a small sampling of what I have 
hidden away...there's A LOT more where that came 
from! I am constantly dusting this stuff off and bringing it
into the light of day in my Etsy shop, art or giving it away
to friends. Cool stuff is fun to collect, but it's even more
fun to SHARE it! ;-)

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