Teapot Adventures...

May 08, 2006 10:33

Let me tell you where I've been... It involves large
stacks of wonderful books and steaming hot pots
of Green Jasmine Tea! (Like my new teapot!? I
bought it and 4 matching cups at auction for $2-)
I have been taking a suggestion from "Sark" and
"measuring time with cups of tea"...what a great
way to be! :-) I have been sitting outside in the sun,
with spring bird calls as my background soundtrack,
reading, thinking, meditating about Life, Death, Art
and Tea...all the important stuff! ;-)  I have been
busy learning new and exciting things...Art techniques
that blow my mind so much, that they keep me up at
night and invade my dreams! (I will be sharing Art Book
titles very soon...) I have been slowly ingesting Diana
Ackermann's prose about nature/life/death...her books
are jam packed with stuff that restores my sense of
wonder and hope for this world! I've been learning
new Vegan recipes...reallly tasty ones, so I won't be
tempted to put cheese on everything! (cheese...evil
cheese...I am a recovering addict! LOL...)

I'm still experimenting with new, crazy & wild art making
techniques! I have a deep desire for lots of transparent
layers (words/people/patterns/symbols/abstractions....).
I also have been more playful and messy with my
approach to Art -I even tried out a crazy excercise from
one of the books- painting w/ nail polish, floating on water!
(really lovely results, but the fumes made my head feel
woozy!) I have a strong desire to create mosaics...and have
been juggling around ideas in my head about assemblage/
folk art/memory jugs/ mosaic lamp bases/treasure-full mirror
frames etc... I want to build shrines too! I'm thinking of trying
out the tempered glass method that
bayarts has been
doing...the results are so magical and they GLOW!  Even new
ideas for large abstracts are brewing in the back of my head!
I have seriously been visited by the Muse and have sooo
many art ideas in my head, that it feels like it's going to

spring, tea, books, food, happy things, inspiration

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