Prosperity Prayers

Mar 28, 2006 10:34

"The Universe does not compensate individuals based on the activity of work, but on the activity of their consciousness! Accordingly, if you feel your life is empty and useless- that your work is insignificant- that the things that are yours to do are meaningless, then you will be pressing out of Universal Substance an income directly related to that consciousness: insignificant, trivial, useless and valueless.  On the other hand, once you see yourself as you are in truth, and embody that vision in your feeling nature, you will move above lack and limitation. You are an heir to all that the Father has, and all you have to do to receive your inheritance is to give up your old ways of thinking! Rising in place, will be the Truth of you...a strong, worthwhile, meaningful, loving and fufilled individual."

Prosperity Affirmation #5:

Money is not my Supply.
No Person, Place or Condition
is my Supply.
My Awareness, Understanding
and Knowledge
of the All-Providing Activity
of the Divine Mind within me
is my Supply.
My Consciousness
of this Truth is Unlimited,
therefore my Supply is Unlimited!

money magic

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