Mar 15, 2006 00:46
I'm beginning to really dig MCR.
Spring Break went exactly as expected: uneventful. For the most part, I just choded around the house playing on the computer and watching movies with Scott. We also played way too much Halo at night -- we were up until 4 a.m. Saturday. You know it's cool. Also, I went to EL with Josh, Darren, and Scott to enjoy time at Pinball Petes. We played/enjoyed/conquered Time Crisis 3, which is even better than the others in the series, including Crisis Zone. But, I'm sure you're reading this anyways, so... suck it, unknown individual.
And I watched Casshern. Honestly, if you can appreciate the medium of film, then you should watch it. If you can look past the fact that it's a Japanese film and simply read subtitles, Casshern is a most thoughtful and provocative movie. It's nice to obtain it illegally, therefore free of monetary cost.
Speaking of which, I also have Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire on DVD -- also procured through illegal means. I can't wait until I get my very own DVD burner.
Remember how I said my older brother, Kirk, is getting married? Yeah, yeah? He sure is -- this May 28th. Shortest wedding planning time, ever. That sounds like Lindsey. *hyperventalating laughter*
I turned in my Moving Crew app today, and will do the same with the Music Director app tomorrow. Even though I'm quite sure I'll obtain both positions, I'm still kinda antsy. I really want to stay here during the summer.
I was sad on Saturday, knowing that I was missing 311 Day in Tennessee, as well as Taste of Chaos. I'll feel worse this Friday knowing that both Dredg and The Receiving End of Sirens will be at the Taste of Chaos show that Rachel's going to. If you're reading this... PLEASE sneak a camera in and take pics/vids. I will hopefully be drowning my sadness away with booze at Keely's place on St. Patti's Day.
And as I sit here, trying to think of anything else to say, I will close with this: as I look down at my box of Goldfish snack crackers, I truly believe filling a pool with said crackers and swimming in them would be very appealing. And then I'd just eat them as I do laps. Now I know what heaven will be like...
This is the last night in my body