Apr 09, 2007 09:46
This is the way we love,
to live the rest of our lives but not __________________.
It was the perfect crime.
Just learn to love today, just learn. I get sad pretty easily, &&& when I was little, I knew a man with Prader-Willi Syndrome.
That's an understatement, he was a man with a teen's mind, & I used to go to the movies with him a lot.
&&&& I didn't appreciate it near enough.
It was the perfect crime.
We would go up to the counter, & I would beg for some popcorn, not knowing the dangers, & I would get it.
&&& slowly throughout the movie, a hand would slide into my bag, & grab a handful of popcorn.
I didn't realize how deadly it was.
It was truly the perfect crime.
I only wish I had known more then.