is seriously the best version of the Carol of the Bells, like, EVER. Just is. So there.
So Saturday we're going to CHICAGO! Right now I am tired and have a headache and have pathetically had the same song on repeat for, like, ever... but SATURDAY we're going to CHICAGO! Yay!
My Sunday school group from Fellowship Baptist Church is meeting at 8 o'clock (*gasp* On a Saturday morning?! There's an 8 o'clock on Saturday mornings?!) to take a train and have ourselves a jolly good time soaking in each other's good company and shopping amidst the big-city Christmas glow. I am tres excited.
Well I should go try to be productive now, especially since I have a paper due Friday on top of normal homework, and another next week though I'll be reveling rather than homeworking this weekend. Indeed, yes. I must away.