Title : Of earplugs, ribbons and nutella
Beta :
yukimiya87 Genre : Romance, Crack, Fluff,
Pairing : Jaeho & Yunjae xD
Length : 2615wo
Rating : R (HJ and SM?)
Summary : Jaejoong happened to have a problem whenever he was in bed with his boyfriend. Desperate, he asked Changmin for help.
A/N : B-day fic for
yuki_3 , my love :3 ♥
“I love to top, okay. But I’m not straight for God’s sake!” )
the little brat (wonder is she would read)
and Joanna :3
You know i enjoyed reading this fic. xD
2u, such an evil pair. But Jae will be able to come up with sth equally evil.
And Nutella~<33 T^T
wait... what do you mean? XD
Well... thanks for enjoying? XD
Tehehe you and Nutella XD
Thanks for agreeing betaing this :)
First fic I read in a long while and you're making me read crack! XDD So wonderful! 8'DD
“I mean that I’m tired of fucking Mary Poppins, okay?!” ; is pure win ♥
LOL, seriously got to mem this :33
Thank you for sharing! :DD
Waaaah you're so so so nice for mem-ming this :'D
Thanks for reading this and commenting :3 ♥
I loved Jae's desperation to try and stop Yunho's girly moans and secretly I wasn't trying to imagine what it would sound like..., he really is precious~
And when he said, “Don’t touch me you… you… big snail!”, I actually laughed aloud - and got funny looks... :(
And Changmin is seriously the best character! XD
Seriously, this was so funny, the best crack I've read in a while. :3
Silly plotting dongsaengs~
Thank you for this!
Haha yay! you're the first one who told me it's fun the snail part LOL XD
OFC! Changmin is THE character xDD ♥
OMG Thank you so much, you're so so so sweet I swear ;;
Thank you for reading and commenting ;-; ♥
I'm just kidding. XD
No seriously, the snail part made the whole thing for me...
Why do I expect nothing less from you than making Changmin the funny main character? Tsch. :')
You're sweeter than me, bb! :D
Oh come on, it's not as if I'll make Changmin very important everytime D:
When will you write sth? 3:
I know! It's so bad, right? I totally lost my muse and I didn't know what to write - for Dollhouse or for my ficlets - so I've got like, six unfinished things that aren't going anywhere and it's making me frustrated. D:<
I might give into myself and post my Dollhouse prologue because I have that, but IDK. /le sigh. I'm sorry~~
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