Last Dragon*Con...

Aug 28, 2013 18:04, I don't mean this video.  Although that video is awesome and you should watch it.  ^_^ I mean finally, on the eve of heading off to Dragon*Con 2013, I'm finally posting the few pictures I have that survived Dragon*Con 2012.  I wish there was an epic story of some kind behind the missing pics, but sadly, as I said last year, it was just due to a mishap with my camera and new batteries.  I'm taking every possible precaution against that this year.

But!  I've finally uploaded the 2012 pics, and here they are, in a library over at Photobucket.  I don't have time to link and discuss all of them, but I do have a few favorites:

Red Skull directing traffic.
Harry Potter and Optimus Pimp.
Pan-Galactic Gargle Blasters for sale. We all had several of these during the trip.
Benny gets his fortune, gets Rickrolled, and gets Loki-bombed. All at once.
And finally, me as Snape, with Luna Lovegood.

We head out for Dragon*Con 2013 before dawn tomorrow!  I came home with 101 pics in 2011.  Let's see if I can break that record this year.  Bwa ha ha!
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