So, yeah, one month later....

Mar 07, 2013 21:36

Ever have those things you keep thinking about doing except when you're actually in a position to do them? Yeah, me too. Updating my LJ has been one of those. Granted, I'm not sure if not being in a position to do so really counts considering how much time I spend in front of this computer... but let's move past that. ^_^ Time for a bit of a life update.

The book I wrote in January kind of went 'meh'. I got the whole thing out of my system, but I lost my passion for it early on, and just kept writing because I knew if I didn't I'd always wonder how it could have turned out. I think I've finally gotten rid of my urge to write that story. It just doesn't work. And I learned not to push myself to write five pages a night just because I can. Both times that's produced crap books. I'm still planning on going back and looking it over next month, just to make sure, but I'm not counting on it suddenly being worth working on again.

So, naturally, I'm back to what I do best (and most): plotting. This is actually going quite well. I've got the plot for the sequel to Skyborne mostly laid out; I just need to fill in a bunch of details along the way and make sure everyone's actions make sense. I still find myself saying "Okay, why is he/she doing this?" and needing a better answer than "Because it's in the plot." I've also been working on a revision of an older story done from the POV of one of the main antagonists; working this out has led to me reworking the mythology and I really like what I've come up with so far.

Work is still, well, work. But the team-within-the-department I'm part of works together well, and our two junior members are picking up the various tasks pretty easily. I'm confident they'll be able to do everything they need to do before my requested vacation times come up. Work is really cracking down on vacation time this year, especially in the last two months, and I'm still not sure if I'll be able to get all the time off that I want. Yeesh.

Been planning more cosplay for Dragon*Con this year, and I think I've hit on two costumes that fit that holy trinity of character I like, costume that's comfortable in Atlanta in August, and costume that's fairly easy to assemble. Don't worry, I'm making up for that last part with plans to create something large and elaborate that might or might not work. And I need wigs. Also been planning some more videos for D*C, really need to start ripping footage and get to work...

I received 15 books for Christmas last year. They're in a stack on my bookshelf. I'm currently on number six and working my way down. Life in this area is quite good, thanks. ^_^

And the one thing that never changes... I don't get enough sleep. Time to work on that. g'night.
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