35.6. Flight

Nov 22, 2009 17:50

Jet lag really doesn't mix with being sprung with more secrets, and I think I should make myself very scarce unpack.

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doesntwaltz November 22 2009, 07:11:46 UTC


paramedically November 22 2009, 07:19:10 UTC
Ohh yeah, didn't you hear? Harri had her baby. A little boy called Campbell. She went into labor the night of our wedding and they didn't tell us. Ali accidentally found out of a workmate when they called her with some invitation somewhere. She got the voicemail when we got home.


doesntwaltz November 22 2009, 07:33:27 UTC
Oh, shit, are you kidding? And no, I didn't hear. I've been taking care of my husband. I've become a hermit. Maybe they didn't tell you because they thought it was important you had your honeymoon. Would you have still gone if you'd heard?


paramedically November 22 2009, 07:43:50 UTC
No, I wish I was kidding. Ali's pissed, but she's trying to keep it together. Mum brings Sunshine back to us in a few hours, and we're both already a little bitchy from the jetleg and, well, extreme amounts of sex. No, we probably wouldn't have, or we would have delayed. But it's James' baby. It was important. He might have dicked her around this last year, but he's still her best friend.


doesntwaltz November 22 2009, 07:45:58 UTC
Aw, man... I don't even know this James guy that well, but he's not going to have any balls left if Ali gets her hands on him. I've seen what she can do.


paramedically November 22 2009, 07:50:07 UTC
She cares for her family, maybe too much. They seem to keep effing her over. I don't think me pointing that out to her is going to do much good. I'm trying to remain impartial. The baby is safe and he came quick, that's all that matters. I just don't think it helps that we were actually still in New York when it happened. We didn't fly out til the next day.


doesntwaltz November 22 2009, 07:59:18 UTC
She's our family now, too. We won't eff her over. Can't believe it... I mean, I can kind of see the thinking... But still! It's a baby! His baby! She would have wanted to know.


paramedically November 22 2009, 08:05:42 UTC
Yeah, she did. But I guess people are still walking on eggshells around us. Think we need a break after everything. Probably just stings because she's a Mum herself, she knows how rough giving birth is.


doesntwaltz November 22 2009, 08:16:59 UTC
You did need a break, Andy. Even I'd be telling you not to come back even if I had popped out a kid. Just tell you I'd had it, and then threaten bodily harm if you tried to shorten your honeymoon. I know it probably doesn't feel like it, but I don't think it's personal. I don't think anyone else knows.


paramedically November 22 2009, 08:26:46 UTC
I would've risked the bodily harm. It's a baby! You don't get a replay on that. They grow up so quickly, too. Actually, I think basically the whole family know, and probably the whole FBI and Harri's magazine industry. You said yourself, you've been a hermit. How's Rob doing?


doesntwaltz November 22 2009, 08:32:34 UTC
But Luke would have said something... wouldn't he? If he knew. Fuck, I can't believe no one said anything to you except some stupid work person on a phone message. Rob's... well, he's horny. That's a good sign, right? We took care of boner of plenty. Finally.


paramedically November 22 2009, 08:39:08 UTC
I don't know. Maybe they didn't want to bother you, either. Luke knows from Aiden. Aiden was there in the birthing suite. Plus, everyone was mostly still in New York after the wedding, I'd say.

Boner of plenty? It definitely sounds like a good sign. Was he okay with it? I haven't had a chance to get a boney of plenty. I spent most of my honeymoon naked.


doesntwaltz November 22 2009, 09:14:25 UTC
Fuck... I really am a hermit. Oh well, at least I know you came home. Congratulations again on getting hitched. Did you have fun on the honeymoon besides shagging too much?

Mmhmm... very much of plenty. Yeah, he was okay with it. We got creative. Well, rest up, sailor. You're still in the early marriage stages.


paramedically November 22 2009, 09:25:30 UTC
You're allowed to be. Your husband has been hurt. Ali and I didn't exactly know anything going on in the real world when we lost the baby. You just need to go under to get better. Thanks, love. The honeymoon was brilliant. First week in a this secluded mountain retreat and the rest of the time in Sydney catching up with the family. Got to see Kara's new bub, Zoe. No one can believe all three of us are hitched.

Did you make up for some of the lost time? I had no idea married sex would be this... insatiable.


doesntwaltz November 22 2009, 09:53:16 UTC
How are you guys going with that? We have Mike here, but he seems to be trying his best to be a lampshade. Oh wow, sounds wonderful. Aw, I love Zoe! She's so gorgeous. She and Jamie could be sisters. I can't blame them. I still can't believe all three of us are married.

Some of it, but we still have to be careful. Wait until you can't have it.


paramedically November 22 2009, 10:41:32 UTC
Getting there. Sometimes it just hits you like a kick in the guts, you know? We're still trying for another one, but no luck yet. Could be why Ali's so shitty. PMS. Mike, the medic, right? Rachel's ex. Why is he trying to be a lampshade? I would have thought with Rob in such a bad way you could have used some extra hands around the place. Especially medic hands. She's a gorgeous baby. I'd love for Jamie to be close to her, but it's hard in different countries.

Yeah, of course. And I do know very much how it is to not be able to have it. You need to revert to lots of snuggling and talking.


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