[MOD NOTE] Recent developments

Nov 11, 2009 06:38

A majority of writers here will no doubt be aware of the recent influx of non-rp journals joining and using sixwordstories for non-rp posts (and although not actually involved with that comm, I am told it was a "huge" influx). We would just like to reassure everyone that musebysentence is strictly muse only and we check every journal for such before we approve the membership request.

We would also like to remind everyone that we are, most certainly, also an RP community. This has been a tool mostly underused to this point because it seems most sentences posted here are in third-person writing style and it does give a sense that third-person sentences can't be replied to.

They can. Any post here can be replied to. However, if a writer really does not want their sentences replied to, simply post a small note at the bottom of the post to indicate it, or utlise the Location or Music fields to say such. Also, if it's RP you are looking for, we encourage more people to post more first-person sentences or questions. The construction of the comm does make it seem like the sentences should be third-person because that's what most people are using, but first-person sentences to invite interaction are more than welcome.

Please note, however, that you do need to be a member to both post and reply to posts.

Any questions, feel free to drop us a line on this post. Comments are screened.

- musebysentence mods

[mod post] admin

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