Looking something akin to this dude, you would think I could at least get one or two sympathy dates from hot nurses... you know, for when I can actually get my wallet out to pay.
A lot, and it's true. I mean, from his side. I... like him. And it's stupid. To him I'm just another chick in scrubs being a pain in his arse. Would you like me to give you eye sex, tiger? I don't mind.
How do you know? Have you talked to him about it? Guy isn't opposed to a chat when you open the lines of communication. I don't like being someone's sloppy seconds. I'll go back to getting it off Bertie the Cleaner. At least he blows me kisses.
Why would I want to talk about it to him? Jo just said I needed to talk to him not in a work capacity. She didn't say anything about talking to him about sex, and stuff. You've chatted to him? He has to take me first for it to be sloppy seconds, love. You could still be in with a chance. Is it really that bad? I can't believe you're not getting female nurses fawning over you. Surely there's someone.
Who said anything about sex? You should talk to him about liking him. Listen to my sister. She gives Chinese burns and wedgies if you don't. Yeah, I chatted to him. I'm just the poor invalid sod to them. They hardly know what I look like. I think the only place I don't have bandages is up my ass.
I don't know, there was talk of eye sex! How long did it take for you to start listening to her? Good chats, I hope. You two seem to be getting along alright. You're not. You've kept your spirit which is huge. Who cares what you look like? You're a great guy, Simon. Well, it's probably a lucky place not to have any.
You really have it bad. I'm still learning. We don't have much choice to get along, and the chats are okay. We're both in pain, so it's not like there's anything intense going on. Dude's tormented, though. I technically am right now, but thanks for trying to cheer me up. I know looks aren't everything, but looking like a Mummy does count for something.
I'm trying not to! I don't think she minds you learning. Tormented about what? You're welcome, just wish it would work. We could always paint some muscles and stuff on your casts.
She minds when I piss her off. But that's my job. I don't know, we didn't talk that much. Dude has secrets, and I respect that. Not the colour of his undies, anyway. Much bigger than that. Wouldn't that make me look like a try-hard?
As any big sister probably would. Your job is to piss her off? Wow, kind of glad now I don't have a little brother. Your sister did some... digging, and now I'm just confused about what he might be tormented over. I thought I had some idea, but I don't think I do. Not like I have any right to know either. He definitely has his right to secrets. No? It could be funny. Or we could give you Homer Simpson's body.
Definitely part of my job description, yes. I do it so well, too. Hey, little brothers rock! We're awesome. Digging? Man, she's a sneaky cow sometimes. As if taking a dump in a bedpan isn't invasion of privacy enough. You know, sometimes people only have secrets because they think no one will get it when we tell them. Are you trying to get me dates, or turn chicks into a lesbian at one look at me?
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