Mod Note

Aug 08, 2009 13:09

We would just like to flag a reminder that the purpose of this comm is to tell a story in one sentence. We have noticed a few people really pushing the envelope with sentence construction by way of dashes, colons, semi-colons and extreme comma use to enable their sentences to be longer. If used correctly, this punctuation is fine. However, Grammar Sticklers would be the first to point out a lot of these would be full stops as opposed to their cousins listed above, and indeed, we have had some people contact us to point this out.

The last thing we want to be are grammar-obsessive mods, but due to the premise of the comm, we feel we should just give a polite nudge regarding this. Most people are making an awesome effort to have their pup tell a story in one sentence, but a tiny portion aren't, and it's not fair to those taking the challenge of the comm seriously for their skills as a writer.

We won't be enforcing this with any gutso, but we would appreciate if you could respect our premise and not abuse punctuation to simply construct a non-full stop paragraph as opposed to a single sentence.


[mod post] admin

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