
Apr 19, 2010 00:14

Might be goin' home sooner than I thought...

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doesntwaltz April 18 2010, 19:19:26 UTC


a68whiskey April 18 2010, 20:19:42 UTC
Yeah? I think I gotta take the cake for bein' the first one to ever be congratulated for gettin' shot in the leg. But thank ya'. Best one so far ;)


doesntwaltz April 19 2010, 07:32:59 UTC
What? I didn't even... I'm sorry. Shit, are you okay? What happened? Jesus, Mike.


a68whiskey April 19 2010, 08:00:34 UTC
Oh hey, it's okay, love. Ain't nothin' as heroic as Robbo's tale. I was just out on a call, lad got himself caught in a crossfire and lost consciousness after a hit to the head. I was tryin' to help him to get stablised and his rifle went off, got me in the thigh and down through the knee. I'm okay, really. It's all cool.

I love morphine.


doesntwaltz April 19 2010, 08:06:14 UTC
Oh my god... Is that what they call 'friendly fire'? There's seriously nothing friendly about that... I can't believe you got shot by the person you were saving! Even if it was accidental.

I'm sure it loves you, too.


a68whiskey April 19 2010, 08:12:43 UTC
He didn't shoot me, he just didn't get the safety on before he passed out. But he was in a bad way, so we were just onto it to try and save his life. I'm probably still in shock, waiting to get operated on. But no losin' limbs, so I was lucky.

I have a whole new appreciation for prescription drugs.


doesntwaltz April 19 2010, 08:39:06 UTC
Is he okay? How long until you get operated on? When will you come home if you got shot in the leg?

I can't really blame you, I'd be needing them too after getting shot. Not that I'm there to really do anything, but do you need anything?


a68whiskey April 19 2010, 08:45:38 UTC
He'll be fine once he gets back on his feet. After the surgery, they'll probably fly me home. I'm thinkin' 'bout just goin' straight to my family in Texas.

Ain't meanin' to sound gloomy, but I think I just really wanna go home. Feel like some high bein's tryin' to tell me somethin'.


doesntwaltz April 19 2010, 08:56:20 UTC
Not coming back to New York? Not that I really blame you. I guess it'd suck to come back without me and Rob there to look after you. But you'll come back at some point, right? Maybe we could drop in.

Like I said, I can't blame you. Home is important. It's natural to want to go back. I think this is one time you need to listen.


a68whiskey April 19 2010, 09:03:51 UTC
It ain't personal, love. Just, Robbo said in his last email you were still on the road, gettin' close to his home town. Truth is, I just really need a rest, and as selfish as it sounds, Mom just wants to take care of me and I think I need that. I'm really tired. Yeah, for sure. I have to. My brig's back there.

It's been awhile since I got back there. I'll be outta action for a few weeks, I ain't wantin' to be a pain in anyone's butt.


doesntwaltz April 19 2010, 09:07:30 UTC
You could never be a pain in anyone's butt, Mike. You're the least painful person I've ever known. But it's true, we're still on the road. I think going back to your mom's a good idea anyway. At least she'll know her son's okay.


a68whiskey April 19 2010, 09:11:14 UTC
Ya' know moms. They never quite believe ya' okay til they see with their own eyes. Well, if ya' got plans to head down to Texas at all, my home is only 'bout seven hours drive from Robbo's.


doesntwaltz April 19 2010, 09:27:00 UTC
Yeah, that's more than true. I think it's the same for any close family. I get like that with my cousins. I need to know they're okay, I can't just take their word for it. We're actually near Little Rock now, so we can make it that way.


a68whiskey April 19 2010, 09:30:43 UTC
Yeah, but to be fair for ya', that Andrew keeps tellin' ya' he's fine when he ain't. Ain't wantin' to worry no one, but ya' family do just by default. They'll probably ship me home in a few days. Ain't sure what sorta mood I'll be in, but I'll be home, so it ain't gonna matter. Not a whole heap else I can be wantin' right now. Robbo knows, though, my home is his home. Ya' always welcome.


doesntwaltz April 19 2010, 09:42:03 UTC
He really does. He's great at doing that. I have no idea what I'm going to do with him some days. We'll call first. Even if you're in an okay mood, a bit of notice won't hurt. Thanks, Mike. You're definitely always welcome in ours.


a68whiskey April 19 2010, 09:46:02 UTC
Think he's just tryin' to take care of everyone else. Ya' easily forget y'self doin' that. He's gotta family, I guess it comes with the territory. Ya' ain't gotta call, Mom will love seein y'all. Been years since she's seen Robbo, it'll be a nice surprise.


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