96. Flashback [MP]

Jun 06, 2007 23:30

Jess was watching the brown haired gorgeous boy across the campus with a smile on her face. He was talking with one of his classmates by the fountain and she had her head propped on her hand that was leaning on the picnic bench. She gave a little happy sigh as he turned his head, and his bangs fell in his face as he addressed another boy that came up to him and the other one. Bangs. Those floppy little bangs that hung down just above his eye. She was snapped out of her happy little staring session by her friend who nudged her. Jess's arm gave out and her head ALMOST hit the top of the table. She threw a glare at her and then pouted, as Sam was walking away towards the dorm rooms.

"Annie! " She frowned.

"What? You were like almost drooling Jessica."

"Was not. Look I'll catch up with you later okay? I'm going to head to the library, " she stood and gathered her backpack and her soda.

"Yeah, sure you're going to the library Jessica. I'll catch you later. " Her friend shook her head and waved. Jessica Moore had it bad. She was just being careful about how she did things.

It was just her luck that Sam didn't have class that day, so he was in the library. She completely wasn't stalking him. She was looking for a book on the French Revolution and just so happened to turn down an aisle and bump right into no one other then Sam Winchester. She looked up completely mortified and then gave one of her half smiles, accompanied by a blush.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to you know bam into you. I wasn't watching where I was going, " she stammered out and then looked at him.

He leaned down to pick up her books and gave that smile. The smile. The very same one he had given earlier. "Not a problem. Jessica right? We're in bio together."

"Yeah. That's me, " she tucked a few strands of stray curls behind her ear. "Mr Sylvester's class. "

He smiled at her, he was so much taller then her so she had to look up at him. "Yeah, you're the one that always outbeats me on the answers."

She blushed. "Yeah. Sorry. I just read ahead if I'm bored. I can't help it. "

"I don't really mind, it's nice to see a girl whose smart. And pretty."

She blinked at him. "Oh. Well then. "

"But, would you care to explain why you've been following me around campus?"

She looked at him and clicked her tongue. "Because I thought you were cute and I wanted to get to know. So, I was stalking you because I wanted to see what you were like when you weren't faced with a person that you might potentially want to date."

He laughed and then leaned against the bookshelf. "Is that so?"

"Mhm. I can be really forceful if I put my mind to it. I'm good like that." She gave a grin.

"Really? So, what is it you want?"

"You. Is that too much?"

He gave a half smile and looked down at the ground for a minute. "I don't think so. So, do you want to go get coffee or something?"

"I was thinking more so dinner at Ce La Vie, romantic setting and all. "

He nodded. "We can do that. "

She grinned and leaned forward and stood on her tiptoes to kiss him squarely on the lips. Jessica Moore always got what she wanted. "Good. I was hoping you wouldn't argue.

He blushed, right down to the tips of his ears. She smelled like a mix of oranges and some other kinds of citrus. He liked it.

"So I guess, we can meet up in front of the school at seven?"

He nodded. "Yeah. Seven. In front of the school. Got it."

She nodded and then took her books back from him. "Great. Then it's a date...Samuel Winchester. " She bit her lip and then turned walking away, giving a silent YES as she did. Sam Winchester fell in love at sight. And Jessica Moore, finally got her way.

Jessica Moore
608 words

supernatural: jessica moore

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