(no subject)

May 31, 2008 13:58

I woke this morning to find a rather ... passionate email from someone I'd previously respected in my inbox this morning, concerning the fact that I voted for jameth in the LJ election. This person also accused me of being anti-fandom, and removed me from thier f-list. First let me say this: the rumour that jameth is 'anti-fandom' is just that. A rumour. Gossip. Bullshit. But that's beside the point.
He is against ASPECTS of fandom (specifically those that are against the TOS) that I, personally, agree cheapen not only fandom but things much, much more significant.

I tried not to be bothered by these accusations against me, and the complete ignorance of this person, but, nope.

Totally offended am I.

I had decided to not post about the election on my journal for several reasons, (one being I hadn't gotten the inpression any of you gave a hell about the damn thing, and I don't blame you) even though I was pretty peeved about the malicious gossip going around about the candidate, whom I respect, and have respected long before deciding to give him my vote), and by the completely unjustified attacks against me, at times, for supporting him as opposed to legomymalfoy

I am going to state my veiws very, very clearly here, and anyone who wishes to defriend me for them, be my guest. Add that is the last thing I will say on the matter.

I do NOT support writing underaged characters, fictional or otherwise, in rape scenarios.
Particularly when the victims are depicted as 'enjoying it' somehow. I get trying to understand the situation by writing it, but I'm sorry, I suppose I just don't have enough faith in people to think this is why they're doing it, 100%, or even 2% of the time.

I know that a lot of women have rape fantasies. I'm aware. And I don't judge this. I do, howvever, think that this should be explored privately. And carefully. Cheapening the real severity of it, however, and treating it as if it is merely there for you to 'explore' is also wrong. I don't accuse anyone of this, nor do I jump to any conclusions, but I can't help but be aware that it happens.

I do however, think there is something wrong with thinking it's okay to write children being raped by adults, and enjoying it. And there is nothing anyone could ever, ever say that would justify that. Age of consent aside, there has to be boundaries.

That is why I did not support legomymalfoy. NOT because I am a jameth fangirl, as above mentioned person so eloquently phrased it.

Fictional or otherwise, in my opinion, it is wrong. No, I do not think anyone who does this is twisted, or a closet pedo, or anything like that. But I do think it takes a very skilled person to write about the matter and handle it delicately enough to depict the situation accurately, and I do not respect anyone who uses the situation for 'entertainment purposes'. I am sorry to say, the average fanfic author (or, author in general, actually) lacks the deep understanding of the scenario to convey it for what it is, and disrespects anyone who has ever been through such a thing monumentally, while barely even comprehending that they've done so, a vast majority of the time.

I am sick and tired of the rep these sorts of stories give fandom, and the bullshit they produce. I am fed up with these people thinking they represent some sort of 'freedom' of fandom, and that they are doing all fandomers a favour. NO. Fucking hell no.
In MY OPINION, this situation does NOT represent fandom, or even a significant portion of it. I do not think it represents what I want to believe fandom to be. So while I may be against THAT, admittedly, I hardly think myself, or jameth can be accused of being 'anti-fandom' for that.

If anyone does, yes, emphatically I say, please do defriend me. I don't think we'll have much in common anyway.

That is all.


ETA: This quote, stated better than I could ever put it: "The biggest thing I object to is this idea that legomymalfoy is representative of fandom. Harry Potter is the worst thing to happen to fandom for all the time I've been on the internet. I say Harry Potter, but I think to say a number of Harry Potter fans would be more accurate (and I will state for those that lack reading and comprehension skills - a number /= all).

Being a fan of something once carried the slightly inconvenient social stigma of people seeing you as living in your mother's basement and reading too many comics than was considered healthy for a grown adult. Now for anyone online, particularly outside 'fandom', it has practically become synonymous with paedophile.

Whilst I'm quite competent at recognising the difference between fantasy and real life and I'm not going to start throwing accusations and say legomymalfoy is a 'pedo' on the basis of the fic she writes, there are a lot of people who do find the distinction between the two to be murky ground.

This is not a brush I want to be tarred with by association. I don't write porn of any kind outside of a 'parody' context (and that rarely) and have no interest in porn fics involving underage characters (or characters 'aged up'). I don't think the current election winner was a good choice for helping to dispel the negative associations brought to 'fandom' with the whole strikethough debacle.

Besides, I keep being told she represents fandom. What I want to know, is what exactly does she know about giant robots? How could she possible represent my part of fandom if she can't tell Iacon from her elbow?"

As for the 'Harry potter' bit, it makes me sad that people think like this about this fandom.

:( :( :(
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