I got bored, dicided to go pic hunting. Today's poor victim: Tseng
Photobucket'ed Tseng for lulz. One of the first (nicer) pics I got was
this one which is really really cute actually. Got bored of that pretty quick and went and googled Tseng's name in Japanese.
Oh hmm, not too bad....WTF IS ON HIS FEET.
It only gets weirder from here, folks.
I have no idea what's going on here.
Ignore the bomb look how sexy this man is-
Ok ok I'll stop breaking your brain now. Mostly. Have some of V
^What Tseng thinks of that caption of mine 8D
Serious effing business.
....Dare I make this joke?
Wake up in the morning feelin' like P.Diddy~ /SHOT.
I C wut u did thar, Waffles.
And With this site, I will leave you with
Young!Tseng holding babyRufus-with-bunny-ears, for some reason. 8|a
Randomly, it's apparently a
piece of cake to bake a pretty cake.
Nothign really Tseng centered in this one but just. This face.
Katana will fuck your shit up. No idea what's going on here. But it's Tseng and Cissnei. Clearly I had to post it.
Next site was confusing but had some really neat...fanart in offical BC art style? I think. More importantly WHO THOUGHT THAT
GIVING MIKA A SWORD WOULD BE A GOOD IDEA?! She looks like she's gonna go Sephiorth on people XD
And yeah that's it. I'll leave you with what is gonna be my
next lj banner when I figure out how to make it. d'awwwww
Websites scoured: