T-6 days...

Nov 09, 2008 14:38

Yeah... Next Saturday is The Big Day. Up until this weekend, I was mostly in a daze. The panic is starting to bubble up, and that horrible nibbling sensation in the back of my mind that asks... what did I forget?

Talking to my sister, I think it's all under control. She just says to make sure I have everyone's phone number on me at all times "just in case". Only slightly ominous *twitch*

Dan has moved in with me, we're still in the phase where we're looking for where to put his stuff and figure out whose turn it is to do the dishes - such a sweety, though, he does the dishes with out me asking sometimes <3

I have had next to no time to draw for the last several months. Oddly enough, the last two Sundays have been fairly laid back (after laundry, sweeping, dishes and such), and I was playing with my colored pencils for the first time in maybe a year and a half. I've missed them a lot :( I've done a little work on the comic, too, I'm glad I'll finally be having a little more time to get back to it.

They also finished residing the house, and now my home is a light blue - not a garish color, sort of a greyed-blue. Looks much nicer than I thought it would, and I'm very happy with it! :D
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